Two Canadian sisters who were injured in a terror attack at a shopping mall in Kenya are now back in Toronto to complete their recovery.

Fardosa Abdi, 17, and Dheeman Abdi, 16, were shopping at the mall Sept. 21 when gunmen stormed in and began an assault that killed dozens, the girls’ aunt, Hodan Hassan, told the Canadian Press.

Fardosa suffered severe injuries to her leg in the attack. Dheeman suffered less serious injuries to her leg and arm.

The pair landed at Pearson International Airport Sunday afternoon and at least one of them was taken in an ambulance to Sunnybrook Hospital.

The two girls were born in Toronto, but moved to Kenya three years ago, Hassan said.

Earlier Sunday, Toronto’s Kenyan community gathered in a rally at Metro Hall to show their support for the victims of the attack.

“We want them to know that even though it’s far away, we’re here, we feel the pain and we hope there is going to be a stop to this,” said one woman at the rally. “We want to stand in solidarity with them.”

Another participant at the rally, Hitesh Parmar, said the community is coming together to help one another through a difficult time.

“It’s a mourning period now. Time will heal,” he said.

- With files from the Canadian Press

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