A group of moms who paid for 3D ultrasounds are angry after they each received what they say is the same stock image from a clinic in Ajax.

Jennifer Cusimano said she went to BabyView in Ajax for a 3D ultrasound on May 3. She said she paid $160 for two images, gender determination and a recording of her unborn child’s heartbeat.

While reading posts on a Facebook group she is part of, one woman asked other members of the group to share photos of their ultrasounds.

“Another girl posted a picture of her 3D scan and just said ‘everyone share your pictures to compare the images’,” Cusimano said.

Cusimano posted her image, and then puzzlingly saw another woman post an image that looked exactly like hers.

“Wait a minute, wasn’t this picture just posted by someone else,” she recalled saying at the time.

The two scans looked virtually identical to her.

“Every nook, cranny, everything, there was just no way there was a mistake.”

By Thursday morning, at least 13 women had contacted Cusimano, all saying they had received what appeared to be the same image over the past few months.

BabyView says technical glitch is to blame

On Thursday, a man who identified himself as Adeel Adeel Mir, co-owner of the ultrasound clinic, told CP24 he was confused as to what happened, but suggested a technical glitch affecting the transfer of images between the ultrasound machine and a computer that stores the images before they are printed may be to blame.

He said that all affected clients have been offered a new photo session or a 50 per cent refund for the photos.

Cusimano said she was invited to go back to the clinic on Thursday night for a gender determination scan but has decided not to go.

Cusimano said the confusion over whether the images she received were indeed of her baby has taken a toll on her.

“I still can’t believe it. I haven’t slept all night. My heart has been racing with anxiety. I’m almost speechless thinking of how someone can think of doing that, especially technology what of it is.”

Durham Regional Police Sgt. Bill Calder said they have received complaints about the clinic and are looking into them.

No charges have been laid.