Canadian Speedskater Christine Nesbitt has won a gold medal in the women’s 1,000-

metre event.


She earned the medal just before 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, and was followed on the podium by two members of the Dutch team: Annette Gerritsen earned silver and Laurine Van Riessen placed third.


Canadian Kristina Groves was the fourth-place finisher.


Nesbitt had a rocky qualifying run in the event. After her win, she told CTV she didn't feel her best in the final, either.


"I didn't have a great race," she said. "Physically, I didn't feel like I was skating well but I just kept going and it paid off in the end."


She said hearing the cheers of Canadian crowds helped her push through the last leg of the race.


"They were cheering me on when I only had one lap to go and that made a big difference," Nesbitt said.