City efforts to keep toxins from temporary dumpsites from contaminating the surrounding parks appear to be working, according to samples recently analyzed by CP24 Health Specialist Bryce Wylde.

Wylde collected several liquid and solid samples from the area surrounding the Christie Pits Park dumpsite on July 21. The samples were laboratory tested in a lab for E. coli, fecal matter levels and total bacteria count.

The laboratory analysis shows higher contamination 20 metres away from the rink than the area immediately outside the dumpsite's perimeter. The sample taken from outside the rink showed lower than normal toxin levels.

Wylde says this implies the city has done its job in preventing toxins from the garbage from leaching into surrounding soil, and that the agents being sprayed on the dump appear to be successfully reducing contamination.

"For now it seems as though it's a good news story," says Wylde, noting he did not test for the safety of the anti-microbial agents being used to keep contamination down.

"The city did its job as it relates to protecting us."