For many, the new year offers a chance for a fresh start.

It's a time to reflect on the last 12 months and prepare for the year to come -- often, in the form of a New Year's resolution.

CTV News Toronto asked 9 well-known Torontonians for their 2024 resolution or wish.

Olivia Chow, Mayor of Toronto

"In 2024, I’m resolved to make this city a place where fewer people have to struggle so hard to get by.

I’m resolved to build the hope that comes when a family finds an affordable place to live; when people can get home or to work on time, through fast, reliable transit; and when we build complete neighbourhoods with community centres, playgrounds, and libraries.

[And] to bike, hike, paddle and ski every trail, ravine and river in Toronto."


Andre De Grasse, six-time olympic medalist:


De Grasse

Jean Yoon, actress, and writer:

"This year, rather than make a New Year’s Resolution, I’m going to follow the Eastern tradition of making a New Year’s Wish.

Wishes are simple and hopeful, whereas the whole process of New Year’s Resolutions is steeped in self-loathing, guilt, and self-criticism. Yuck.

So this year my resolution is to make a New Year’s Wish and to keep making wishes each year going forward. And no, I can’t tell you my New Year’s Wish. It’s a secret.

If I tell you, it won’t come true.

새 해 복 많이 받으세요!


Jean Yoon

Jully Black, singer, songwriter, and actress:

"My hope is for us all to open our minds to a new way of thinking. Especially for those who may be feeling stuck in any way shape or form.

This quote below is what has transformed my life. Especially in light of the heaviness of parts of the world. We can still have a joy-filled life using the practice below.

'When you change the way you see things, the things you see change.'"

Jully Black

Jen Agg, restauranteur and author:

"I don’t do New Year’s resolutions because I don’t believe in the idea of making change that way. It generally doesn’t work.

My motivators for enacting long-lasting changes in my life are love, vanity, and the unending march of time – every day, we move a little closer to falling off this mortal coil – so I guess I always try to live as well as possible!"

Jen Agg

Julia Romano, lawyer, Tiktoker, and content creator:

"My New Year’s resolution for 2023 is to be the most famous person in the world.

My wish for 2024 is that our municipal and provincial governments take action to address the needs of our Toronto communities – including housing (especially for our refugees), cost of living, mental health, and access to health care (especially for non-status folk).

Jojo and Raisin’s 2024 resolution is to eat more fancy feast."

Julia Romano

John Tory, former Mayor of Toronto:

"Aside from good health and a happy family, to use my voice in challenging and worrisome times to get people talking and try to bring them together.

It's the only way."

John Tory

Carley Fortune, author:

"My resolution is to be creative outside of my work. Make bad art! Specifically, I’m playing with watercolour painting and film photography."

Carley Fortune

Laura Whaley, Tiktoker and content creator:

"Do more things that bring me joy."

Laura Whaley