Why I'm the best candidate: Adam Giambrone

Why I'm the best candidate: Adam Giambrone

The people of Scarborough-Guildwood are tired of the second class treatment they have been getting from the Liberal government.  People from all walks of life have told me they are not getting the services they need from this government.  They have told me they need a leader to get things done.  To get results.

As TTC Chair and Vice-Chair of the City of Toronto’s Public Works Committee I have managed multi-billion dollar budgets and delivered better transit, reliable services and accountable government for people in Toronto and Scarborough.  Now I want to deliver results for the people of Scarborough-Guildwood.

I want to join Andrea Horwath and the NDP who delivered real results for people.  They created 25,000 jobs for youth, they cut auto insurance rates by 15 per cent and they cut wait times for home care.  To keep the Liberal government accountable to taxpayers, Andrea Horwath and the NDP pushed for the creation of a Financial Accountability Office to stop government spending scandals before they happen.

In comparison, the Tim Hudak Conservatives delivered nothing for people.  They were stuck on the sidelines.

I know that families are paying more than their fair share and together with Andrea Horwath and the NDP, we’ll stop the Liberal plan to charge families $1000 a year more with unfair new taxes for transit.    I will deliver better and more affordable and reliable transit for Scarborough-Guildwood with no unfair new taxes or new fees on families.  People in Scarborough-Guildwood have waited long enough.  Scarborough-Guildwood deserves better, reliable and more affordable transit now.

The Liberal plan is to put the burden of paying for transit on the backs of families while they let the richest corporations keep $2 billion every year through corporate tax loopholes.

That's just wrong.

People in Scarborough-Guildwood need transit now to get around the riding. Subways and LRTs are good options but they both take time to build. Ten years from now even if a subway were built, people in Scarborough-Guildwood will still be taking buses.  People in Scarborough-Guildwood need a transit network now with no unfair taxes or new fees so families can go where they need to go as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Scarborough-Guildwood needs a leader who will deliver results.   People are tired of empty election promises and want to see this government get something done.  I am the only candidate with a proven record of delivering results who will work with Andrea Horwath and the NDP to continue making this government accountable to the people of Scarborough-Guildwood.

Adam Giambrone

Why I'm the best candidate

Candidates pen exclusive letters to CP24.com explaining why they would be the best person to represent the riding. Click on each candidate for the full excerpt.

Ken Kirupa

I would bring a strong voice of accountability back to Queens Park. Sadly, the current government has wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on botched ideas, secret deals, scandals, bloated bureaucracies, partisan decisions and overall mismanagement of funds.

Mitzie Hunter

I believe that with my professional experiences along with my personal knowledge from having lived in Scarborough makes me the most qualified candidate running to be the MPP for Scarborough-Guildwood.

Adam Giambrone

As TTC Chair and Vice-Chair of the City of Toronto’s Public Works Committee I have managed multi-billion dollar budgets and delivered better transit, reliable services and accountable government for people in Toronto and Scarborough. Now I want to deliver results for the people of Scarborough-Guildwood.

Nick Leeson

As the only main candidate in support of continuing with the existing and funded plan to bring Light Rail Transit (LRT) to Scarborough, I plan to address the long overdue transit links that are needed between local residents and the downtown core.

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