Why I'm the best candidate: Nick Leeson

Why I'm the best candidate: Nick Leeson

Disappointed with Ontario’s mounting debt and the failure of the province to provide sustainable health care and social programs, I chose to run for the Green Party in the Scarborough-Guildwood riding in order to support the growing Green movement and provide voters with a positive choice for change.

Born and raised in rural Southwestern Ontario, I’m an experienced lawyer and passionate Canadian. Having lived, studied, and practiced community and corporate law in various national and international regions, I moved to Scarborough to make a home with my loving partner, Christina. Our goal is to help build a successful and sustainable future for ourselves and our community, as well as to help promote a sustainable economy that will ensure a prosperous future for my family and community.

I’m representing the Green Party of Ontario to promote sound public policy that will support a strong local economy, protect the environment and help those who need it most.

As the only main candidate in support of continuing with the existing and funded plan to bring Light Rail Transit (LRT) to Scarborough, I plan to address the long overdue transit links that are needed between local residents and the downtown core.

Bringing an LRT to Scarborough makes sense for the local economy and community. The plan is financially responsible and will provide residents with transit which is on budget, protects the environment and becomes available sooner.

I hope to bring fresh and sensible solutions to issues here in Scarborough that have continuously gone ignored by the old-line parties, such as climate change, poverty and the provincial deficit.

As the son of a family farmer and small business owner, I possess solid financial insights and understand the importance of our natural wealth in securing our long-term well-being.

I support evidence-based policies and believe that leadership requires principles of justice, compassion and cooperation. By committing to these principles and valuing good ideas above partisan politics, I will be a strong advocate for Scarborough-Guildwood at Queen’s Park.

With a positive and optimistic outlook, I hope to help to get our books in order, lessen our contributions to climate change, and to do so while providing high-quality social programs.  

I believe in the power of Green to do politics differently and make a positive contribution in Canada and around the world. A vote for me in this election is a vote for your kids, your community, your Ontario.

Why I'm the best candidate

Candidates pen exclusive letters to CP24.com explaining why they would be the best person to represent the riding. Click on each candidate for the full excerpt.

Ken Kirupa

I would bring a strong voice of accountability back to Queens Park. Sadly, the current government has wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on botched ideas, secret deals, scandals, bloated bureaucracies, partisan decisions and overall mismanagement of funds.

Mitzie Hunter

I believe that with my professional experiences along with my personal knowledge from having lived in Scarborough makes me the most qualified candidate running to be the MPP for Scarborough-Guildwood.

Adam Giambrone

As TTC Chair and Vice-Chair of the City of Toronto’s Public Works Committee I have managed multi-billion dollar budgets and delivered better transit, reliable services and accountable government for people in Toronto and Scarborough. Now I want to deliver results for the people of Scarborough-Guildwood.

Nick Leeson

As the only main candidate in support of continuing with the existing and funded plan to bring Light Rail Transit (LRT) to Scarborough, I plan to address the long overdue transit links that are needed between local residents and the downtown core.

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