HAMILTON - New Democrat Leader Andrea Horwath has cast her vote in the Ontario election in her riding of Hamilton Centre along with her 18-year-old son Julian Leonetti.

It was Leonetti's first time voting provincially, and Horwath says it was "really wonderful" to know that her son could actually vote for her, in her riding, and to be able to cast their ballots together.

She plans to spend the rest of the day having lunch with her son and attending a few meetings before settling in to wait for the election results.

Horwath says she's feeling good going into the vote and is happy with the campaign she ran, but wishes the other parties hadn't used such negative tactics.

Leonetti says he's proud of his mom, and always has been.

While many polls suggest the possibility of a minority government with the NDP holding the balance of power, Horwath is still keeping mum on who she may support, saying she wants to wait to see what voters decide.

Horwath will be at the Hamilton Convention Centre after the polls close tonight.