Hundreds of noisy demonstrators converged on Queen's Park on Saturday to protest against the idea of a coalition government taking power in Ottawa. 

Politicians, including provincial Conservative Party Leader John Tory, were joined by ordinary citizens in speaking out against what they see as a threat to Canada's political process.

"We've got to work together on... fixing the economy instead of making strange coalitions that are going to do who knows what," says Tory.

The protesters also warned of dangers to Canada's federation that could come with joining forces with the separatist Bloc Quebecois. 

"I've got as real problem with any government that's going to install its own government, especially with the help of separatists," says protester Mark Preston, who attended the rally to show his support for Canada's soldiers who are abroad defending democracy.

Similar rallies are being held in other major cities across the country today, including   Parliament Hill. Speakers called for democracy, touting Stephen Harper as the right leader to steer Canadian through these difficult times.

Rallies also took place in support of the coalition across the country on Saturday. Toronto's festivities were held at Nathan Phillips Square, just a few blocks away from the opposing event at Queen's Park.