OTTAWA - Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff says he won't force an election despite what he calls the Tories' "crazy way" of running a democracy.

Speaking outside an empty House of Commons chamber today, Ignatieff said Canadians do not want a minority government "always operating with threats."

Ignatieff says the opposition can't force an election "each and every time you have difficulty with a Parliament" -- and he says Canadians have clearly shown they do not want a fourth federal election in six years.

He's calling in all Liberal senators and MPs on Jan. 25 for a series of roundtables and pre-budget consultations on issues such as the economy, unemployment and "democratic governance" that will continue until the Vancouver Olympics begin Feb. 12.

He says Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper shuts down Parliament every time he's in a hole.

Ignatieff says Harper always goes too far and Canadians have to call him back.