TOKYO - Military search teams pulled a young man from a crushed house Saturday, eight days after an earthquake and tsunami wrecked northeast Japan.

The young man, found in the rubble in Kesennuma city, was too weak to talk and was immediately transferred to a nearby hospital, said a military official. The official, who declined to give his name because he was not authorized to speak to the media, had no other details.

Kyodo, the Japanese news agency, said the man was in his 20s.

The rescue is the latest and one of the few after the March 11 disaster, as the power of the tsunami, triggered by the magnitude-9 earthquake, likely pulled many people out to sea.

The National Police Agency raised the death toll Saturday, reporting that 7,197 people had died -- exceeding the deaths from the 1995 Kobe earthquake. Another 10,905 were reported missing, the police agency said.