CP24's Weather Specialist Mika Midolo brought in this treat for us to enjoy. Served either during breakfast, lunch or dinner, it's sure to be a mealtime favourite.

The pastry

  • Yeast,
  • 5-6 cups of flour
  • Salt
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Melted butter, about 1/2cup to a cup for both the pastry and the filling

Mix the yeast, flour and salt, then let it rise, and cover with a hand towel. Once it's risen knead together and separate into 4 to 6 balls and rub with some olive oil.

Sprinkle flour on a board and grab 2 balls each and flatten then sprinkle some flour on it, then flatten wide to fit a round baking pan make two round thick pastry one for the bottom of the pizza and one for the top to cover Fit one of the round pastries on the pan so it can extend over the pan.

Then make the filling

The Filling

  • 1 cup Milk
  • 4 Eggs
  • Pinch of salt
  • And the melted butter to share from the pastry
  • Mix ingredients to gether, use salt and the melted butter sparingly Then cover with the last round pastry and make your edges the way you like them.
  • Turn oven on to 400 degrees, heat it up, put pizza inside oven for 20 minutes or until starting to brown, then turn oven down to 350 and let it cook for another 20-30minutes.

Let it cool and serve with Balkan yogourt and watermelon!! Delicious!!