There are calls tonight for the Federal Agriculture Minister to resign after it was revealed he made jokes during a conference call with officials on the listeriosis outbreak. 

Gerry Ritz is quoted as saying, "This is like a death by a thousand cuts. Or should I say cold cuts."

The listeriosis outbreak is linked to meat products from Maple Leaf Foods, which prompted the company to recall more than 220 products in August.

Also, when he was told about a new listeriosis-related death in Prince Edward Island, Ritz said, "Please tell me it's Liberal MP Wayne Easter".

Easter is the Liberal critic shadowing Ritz's Agriculture department. The minister has emailed an apology.  

Meanwhile, a new poll from Monday suggests the Harper Conservatives are pulling further away from the pack with the lead for the upcoming election.

Nanos Research figures show the Tories with 38 per cent support, compared to 31 per cent for the Grits.

The New Democrats sit in third spot at 17 per cent. The Green Party are at eight per cent. Gilles Duceppe and the Bloc are at six per cent. The margin of error for this poll is 3.2 per cent.