OTTAWA - The 2011 federal election is over, but some eyes are already fixed on going to the polls in a little more than four years from now -- and the logistical problems it could cause in Ontario.

Under the fixed election date law passed by the Harper Conservatives in 2006, the next election will be held on Oct. 19, 2015.

That will be a week and a half after Ontario votes on its own fixed election date.

Under Bill C-16, each federal general election is to take place on the third Monday in October, in the fourth calendar year after the previous vote.

However, under the Parliament of Canada Act the prime minister is still free to request an election at any time and Prime Minister Stephen Harper did so in September 2008.

Unless Harper repeats that, political parties will face a dilemma with the 2015 the federal election overlapping one in the country's largest province.