TORONTO - Black Eyed Peas manager Liborio Molina has said sorry to gossip blogger Perez Hilton, but they haven't exactly kissed and made up.

An assault charge against Molina was dropped Wednesday after the manager issued a written apology to Hilton.

Molina was accused of punching Hilton -- whose real name is Mario Lavandeira -- outside a Toronto nightclub after the MuchMusic Video Awards in June.

Molina's lawyer, Mark Sandler, read the apology outside the courthouse.

"It said: 'I apologize for what I did on June 22 of 2009, even though you engaged in highly offensive comments, including a homophobic slur to my clients, I acknowledge that these kinds of issues should not be resolved through a physical response,"' Sandler read.

Hilton's lawyers said they were unhappy with the choice of words in the apology, but it was ultimately accepted.

"Although accepting the fact that he shouldn't resort to violence, he attempted to say that there was a precipitating cause," Hilton's lawyer, Brian Greenspan, said afterwards. "A sincere apology is a sincere apology."

But Hilton said in an email to The Canadian Press that he was pleased with the outcome, though he had yet to read Molina's apology.

"I am happy that Liborio Molina has accepted responsibility for his violent actions," he wrote.

"I look forward to reading his letter of apology and he and can look forward to reading my in-depth thoughts about that awful night in my new book."

As part of the peace bond agreement reached in court, Molina has also agreed not to contact Hilton except through his lawyer, can't carry any weapons for 12 months, can't come within 100 metres of Cobra NightClub, where the event allegedly occurred, and has donated $500 to Toronto's Red Door Family Shelter.

Molina arrived in Toronto court for the first time Wednesday, clad in a brown driving cap, white Adidas sneakers, tight green slacks and a red cardigan with a pair of sunglasses tucked into his white T-shirt.

"I think everything that needed to be said has pretty much been said," Molina said as he exited the courthouse on Wednesday.

"Yes, I do regret the whole night."

Molina allegedly punched Hilton following a heated argument between the blogger and Black Eyed Peas leader at a party following the MMVAs.

Hilton, who is openly gay, has admitted he tossed a homophobic slur at the Black Eyed Peas leader during the altercation.

In the ensuing days, Hilton and insulted each other in videos online and Hilton also filed a civil lawsuit against Molina, in which the celebrity blogger sued for alleged battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress and is seeking more than US$25,000.

The suit states Hilton is seeking to protect his rights to free speech and claims Molina attacked him because he made critical comments about the Black Eyed Peas' new album, "The E.N.D."

Those charges have not been proven in court.

Sandler said Molina was pleased to begin putting the incident behind him.

"Mr. Molina wants to go on and do the things that he's good at now, continue to work for the Black Eyed Peas and continue to do his charitable work, and put this all behind him now. And that's what he intends to do."