TORONTO - Health officials say a death in British Columbia is being blamed on the ongoing listeriosis outbreak, bringing to nine the number of deaths linked to tainted meat produced by Maple Leaf Foods.

It's the first death outside Ontario, where eight other people have died, since word of the outbreak first emerged nearly two weeks ago.

Six other deaths - four in Ontario and one each in Saskatchewan and Quebec - remain under investigation for possible links to the outbreak.

Earlier today, the mayor of Walkerton, Ont. - the scene of a deadly E. coli disaster eight years ago - called for a public inquiry.

Charlie Bagnato says he's `shocked' the federal government hasn't learned the lessons of his town's tainted-water tragedy in 2000, which killed seven people and made thousands more ill.

Bagnato notes three federal ministers - Tony Clement, John Baird and Jim Flaherty - were all members of the Ontario cabinet at the time of the Walkerton outbreak.