LOS ANGELES - The life of `Charlie's Angels' star Farrah Fawcett was celebrated Tuesday at a private, music-filled funeral that one participant called `stirring.'

Her longtime companion, actor Ryan O'Neal, was among the pallbearers who accompanied the casket, covered in yellow and orange flowers, into the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.

After the ceremony, mourners said they overheard O'Neal as he tapped on the hearse's back door and said, `So long, babe.'

Fawcett's friend Alana Stewart and `Charlie's Angels' co-star Kate Jackson were among the early arrivals before the hearse pulled up, accompanied by 10 motorcycle officers.

Two mourners carried copies of Fawcett's iconic poster from the 1970s, showing the actress wearing a red swimsuit, tousled blond curls and a broad smile.

The service, which was closed to the public, lasted more than an hour as fans and the news media watched from across a street.
