Back to school means thinking about books, pens, and computers -- but especially being smart about your child's health. Here are some back-to-school tips from Bryce Wylde, CP24's health specialist.

Breakfast tips for the whole family

- Don't skip breakfast! Low blood sugar accounts for dull and non-attentive brains.

- Healthy breakfast ideas include oatmeal with nuts, seeds, beans, berries, and yogurt OR shakes OR eggs and veggies.

- Supplements that are key: fish oils (great tasting now and studies show they boost brain activity and are good for eye and immune system health), the best children's multi-vitamin, extra vitamin C, immune boosters for H1N1 protection (Moducare, Cold Fx, children's cold and flu formulas)

What to pack in your child's lunchbox

Good: Brown Bag

- whole grain bagel with turkey, cheese, lettuce and tomato

- soup or dinner leftovers

- mixed non-salted/roasted nuts

- berries

- water or low sugar fruit juice

- small piece of high-cocoa chocolate

Bad: Plastic Lunch Pail

- White bread with peanut butter and jelly

- chocolate chip cookies

- chips

- pop

How to best protect against the H1N1 flu

- non-toxic hand sanitizers (packed right into lunch bag or knapsack)

- coughing into sleeve

- washing hands

Psychological Health

- Eat together! Studies show fewer families are eating dinner together but could be eating breakfast together. This sets the tone of the day, and setting family goals or communicating to your children in a more effective manner maintains the mental health of a family.

- Planning and managing your study workload

- Kids often have very loose routines over the summer, if any. Once school has started, discuss how to slip into a more regular routine to help your child's body prepare for another year of schedules.

Planning for Safety

- Understand traffic rules if walking, biking or driving to school.

- Don't walk by yourself - walking or biking with a buddy is the safest way

- Discuss safety with strangers with your kids, suggesting they never accepting rides, candy, or any other invitations.