TORONTO - Fledgling indie rock bands, Kiss frontman Gene Simmons wants you.

That is, assuming you are Canadian.

The legendary rocker is now soliciting electronic video demos from unsigned Canadian bands for his record label, Simmons Records.

Simmons, in partnership with Universal Music Canada, announced in November that he planned to develop and sign Canadian bands for his label.

An article published on U.S.-based blog Idolator on Monday caught Simmons's ire, with the writer guessing that "lots and lots of merchandising will likely be involved" with the project.

Simmons, whose longtime romantic partner Shannon Tweed is Canadian, responded with a blog post on his label's site the same day, dismissing the "arrogance of the U.S. media" and elaborating further on his plans.

"We're going to find, develop, nurture and launch new talent emanating from -- CANADA!!!," he wrote. "That's right, baby. Why here? Because you actually DO have the talent. And now, you have a WAY.
