The latest national poll out Saturday by Angus Reid survey continues to put the Conservatives in majority territory with 39 percent of support.

The poll gives the Tories three points higher than they were in 2006 when they got a minority government in Parliament.

The Liberals came up with 23 percent, the NDP had 18 and the Green Party got the nod from 10 percent of the 1100 people surveyed. The poll was taken between Wednesday and Friday. It has a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points, which is 19 times out of 20.

Meanwhile, Conservative leader Stephen Harper was campaigning in Newfoundland and Labrador today.

He says the Conservatives have cleaned up funding for political parties. He has been outlining the party's economic plans -- promising to boost trade and work on bringing down the deficit.
Liberal leader Stephane Dion was talking immigration on the campaign trail today.

Speaking to a Chinese community crowd in the Vancouver suburb of Richmond, Dion laid out his immigration policy. Dion says the Tories have put up too many barriers for newcomers.

NDP leader Jack Layton spent his Saturday around the GTA. After a campaign rally at the EX grounds this afternoon, Layton made his way to Brampton where he held court at a round table with other Toronto-area NDP candidates and members of the local ethnic media.

Layton will be in Quebec tomorrow. No events are scheduled for Harper, Dion, Bloc leader Gilles Duceppe and the Green Party's Elizabeth May.