A movement to dump Stephane Dion is growing within the Liberal ranks, with former deputy prime minister John Manley calling for the Liberal leader's immediate resignation.

Manley has been quoted as saying Dion has become an obstacle, arguing it is "delusional at best" to believe the public would want him to head the coalition government planned by the Liberals, the NDP and the Bloc Quebecois.

In November's election, Dion led the Liberals to their worst showing since Confederation.

The party is reportedly looking for ways to pressure him into leaving as early as next week. Liberal insiders say Dion was holed up with his inner circle on Friday and may announce his departure at a caucus meeting on Wednesday.

If Dion does step down, officials say the party executive and the caucus can appoint an interim leader.

Liberal leadership hopeful Michael Ignatieff says he's been told talks are taking place to move up the leadership race currently set for May.

Bob Rae, who is also in the race for the party's top job, has taken up the task of selling the coalition to audiences across the country. He spent Saturday in Winnipeg, where he hosted a public event called "Let's Talk Politics."