Mayor Rob Ford met with Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly on Wednesday afternoon in what was the first meeting between the pair since council handed Kelly a number of Ford’s powers.

The meeting was held shortly after Kelly announced that he would move a motion to defer a decision on allowing jets to fly in and out of the Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport until the new year.

Speaking with reporters at city hall, Ford said he tried to use the meeting to discourage Kelly from supporting any further delay on the island airport file, but he said that message fell on deaf ears.

“We have different views, let’s put it that way. I want to move ahead,” Ford said. “There is no sense in sitting on the fence and I think that is what is happening right now.”

Porter has asked the city, Transport Canada and the Toronto Port Authority to amend a tripartite agreement that prevents jets from using the island airport.

If the city approves the change, the airline will need to extend the runway by 200 metres in both directions, requiring an expansion of the island itself.

Porter has already ordered a fleet of Bombardier C100 jets to be used at the island airport, however a staff report to be considered by executive committee tomorrow calls on council to delay any decision on the matter until 2015 so further information can be gathered.

“We are not dealing with a fly-by-night company,” Ford told reporters a city hall. “This is stalling a really honest, hardworking businessman (Porter CEO Robert Deluce) who has proven himself already.”

Kelly has previously spoken out in favour of allowing jets to use the island airport and on Wednesday he told reporters that he and the mayor continue to be on the same page.

“We are seeking the same goal and we will know tomorrow if we are seeking it in the same procedural way,” he said.

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