Ontario is reporting more than 500 new COVID-19 cases for the fourth consecutive day, driving the rolling seven-day average of new cases to 440 today.

Ontario is reporting 511 new COVID-19 cases today, down from 578 on Saturday but up from 423 last week.

Today’s rolling seven-day average is up from 428 on Saturday and 261 last Sunday.

The province’s virus-related death toll is unchanged at 9,418 as no new deaths were reported today.

With just over 19,000 tests processed over the past 24 hours, the provincewide positivity rate is now 2.6 per cent, up from two per cent last week.

Of the new cases reported today, 350 involve unvaccinated individuals, 67 are in those who are partially vaccinated, and 94 cases involve those who are fully vaccinated.

There are now 3,667 active COVID-19 infections in the province, up from 2,242 last Sunday.

There were 116 new COVID-19 cases in Toronto today, 69 in Peel Region, and 64 in York Region.

The number of patients with COVID-19 in intensive care units at Ontario hospitals is now 116, up by one from last Sunday.

"All hospitals may not report their data on the weekend," Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott tweeted on Sunday.

"As such, due to incomplete data, the vaccination status of hospital and ICU admissions will not be updated on Sundays and Mondays."

About 81.5 per cent of Ontarians 12 and older have received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 73.3 per cent have received two doses.

The numbers used in this story are found in the Ontario Ministry of Health's COVID-19 Daily Epidemiologic Summary. The number of cases for any city or region may differ slightly from what is reported by the province, because local units report figures at different times.