Police have arrested a suspect who allegedly robbed two east-end retail stores at knifepoint on the same day last month.

Both incidents happened on April 25.

Police say that in the first incident a man entered a store near Bloor and Sherbourne streets and approached the checkout counter while waving around a knife and making demands for cash.

The suspect then allegedly leaped onto the counter and continued to make threatening gestures.

Police say that he ultimately fled the store with a quantity of cash.

The second incident took place at a store near Gerrard and Jarvis streets later that day.

Police say that a man entered the store, produced a knife and then yelled to an employee behind the checkout counter to “move.”

At that point the suspect allegedly walked behind the counter and tried to open the cash register unsuccessfully.

Police say that he subsequently took a quantity of lottery tickets and fled the scene.

On May 3, police issued an arrest warrant for a single suspect believed to be responsible for both incidents.

That suspect was ultimately apprehended two days later, police say.

Evens Bazelais Itil, 29, of Toronto, is charged with two counts of robbery with an offensive weapon, two counts of weapons dangerous and two counts of failing to comply with probation.