An Ontario homeowner who hosted a birthday party that nearly two dozen people attended is now facing an $880 fine after it was revealed that 11 COVID-19 cases have been connected to it, authorities said.

According to York Region Public Health, the birthday party was held at a private residence on Dec. 6 in the City of Vaughan. Officials said a total of 22 people attended the party.

When the party was held, York Region was placed in the red zone, where indoor gatherings were limited to five people.

To date, there have been 11 COVID-19 cases in people between the ages of three and 54 associated with the party. Nine of the cases are from York Region while two are from Toronto.

"Of the 22 attendees, seven were identified as high-risk contacts and four are considered low-risk contacts with the remaining 11 attendees confirmed cases," York Region Public Health said in a statement.

Individuals were considered low risk if they dropped presents at the door and stayed outside, socially distanced from the porch. 

Attendees who have been deemed high risk have been advised to isolate and self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 until Dec. 21.

The health unit said the fine for breaking the COVID-19 protocol is $750 with a $130 surcharge.

"This serves as a reminder how social gatherings, including birthday parties and holiday celebrations, may seem harmless but they have the potential to spread COVID-19 to children and vulnerable adults," the statement said.