Dozens of MiWay transit workers held an informational picket at Mississauga City Hall on Wednesday to draw attention to the slow pace of negotiations on a new contract.

Members of ATU Local 1572 previously voted 98 per cent in favour of going on strike last August and since then progress on a new deal with the city has been slow, the union has said.

In a release on Wednesday, ATU Local 1572 revealed that its members rejected the city’s most recent contract and that the two sides are still “far apart” after 35 total days of bargaining since September.

“What we are trying to do is make sure that council and the new mayor know that we are watching them. We are trying to send a message that we are frustrated and that we believe we should have already had a contract,” local president Jack Jackson told CP24 at Mississauga City Hall. “We expect things to change and we expect a fair and reasonable contract.”

A strike involving TTC workers was narrowly averted earlier this month after a midnight deal was reached.

The terms of that contract have not been publicly released but Jackson said that members of his unions expect to be granted a comparable salary increase.

“There is no doubt about it. The floor has been set when it comes to wages,” he said. “But our key issues are about workplace balance and the safety of our workers.”

In order to go on strike, ATU Local 1572 would have to request that the Ministry of Labour issue a “no board” report and that step has not yet been taken.

Once granted, a “no board” report would start a 17-day countdown to the union being in as legal strike position.