Premier Kathleen Wynne says she’ll take legal action if Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak does not retract “misleading and defamatory” comments he made about her alleged involvement in the destruction of documents relating to the cancellation of two gas plants.

In an open letter released to the media on Sunday, Wynne accuses Hudak of making “false and utterly unsupported allegations” during a Thursday news conference in which he said that Wynne “oversaw and possibly ordered the criminal destruction of documents” in order to cover up the gas plant scandal.

The letter goes on to demand that Hudak and his caucus stop repeating the allegations immediately and remove them from the PC website.

“The decision to relocate the gas plants and the facts related to the ongoing police investigation are legitimate subjects for this political debate. False, misleading and defamatory statements are not, and they represent the worst kind of politics. That is why I am writing this open letter to you,” the letter states. “There should be no tolerance for false and defamatory accusations as a means to gain political power.”

Hudak’s comments were made after new unsealed court documents surfaced, suggesting that former premier Dalton McGuinty’s chief of staff David Livingston gave an outside tech expert access to 24 computers in the premier’s office in order to “wipe clean the hard drives” following McGuinty’s resignation.

In her letter, Wynne notes that she has sought and obtained legal advice and will take “all necessary and appropriate steps” to ensure that Hudak’s comments are retracted.

Hudak has not yet responded to Wynne’s threat.

A lawyer for Livingston has previously said that his client didn't break any laws.

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