TORONTO - Opposition parties say the Ontario government is trying to deflect attention from its own spending by asking Tories and New Democrats to post their expenses online.

Both parties say they have no problem complying with a government request to post their travel and hospitality expenses beginning in April, when cabinet ministers, parliamentary assistants and their political staff will be required to do so as well.

But NDP Leader Andrea Horwath says the move is simply an attempt by the government to deflect their "dismal failure in transparency" onto the Opposition.

She says there are still all kinds of information that isn't available under Freedom of Information laws, as well as a lack of transparency around things like hospital and school boards.

Progressive Conservative Peter Shurman says it's the growing size of the premier's office that everyone should be looking at, as well as that of the public sector, which increased to 185,000 net new employees since the Liberals took office.

The request came as part of a previously announced push for accountability after spending scandals at eHealth and the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Commission this past summer.