COCHRANE, Ont. - Two adventure-loving provincial police officers who trekked through snowy northeastern Ontario to celebrate the force's 100th birthday have made it home.

Equipped with traditional dog sleds, snowshoes and sporting 1920s-style wool uniforms, Constables Guy Higgott and Erik Howells covered more than 1,000 kilometres over the past three weeks.

Along the way they visited communities including Hearst, Kapuskasing, Timmins-South Porcupine and Moosonee, giving demonstrations of policing patrol techniques from yesteryear along the way.

The pair arrived at their final destination of Cochrane this morning to thank and bid farewell to the people who had welcomed them during their journey.

In a release, Commissioner Julian Fantino says the patrol was a tribute to the resourcefulness, tenacity and determination of early police officers.

The Ontario Provincial Police was first considered an active organization on Oct. 13, 1909.