There won't be any cuts to TTC bus service, says commission chair Adam Giambrone, who appeared on CP24 on Monday to refute reports suggesting cutbacks were coming.

Giambrone says there was a misunderstanding about an internal memo on overtime that was leaked to the media over the weekend.

The memo asked managers to remember their budget targets and to avoid approving any unnecessary overtime, he says.

"We are going to make sure our use of overtime is judicious," he says.

"It seems like (one Toronto newspaper) picked this up and really misinterpreted it."

The chair of the transit commission says that, in fact, there will be 80 new buses running during rush hour as of Nov. 23 -- the largest single service addition since new routes to Toronto's suburbs were launched in 1974.

"This is a significant add," he says, noting the TTC can afford the move because it has been in the works -- and the budget -- for month. "We already budgeted for this. It's not a new expenditure."

The commission also has some new riders to help pay for the improvements. According to Giambrone, ridership was up about 2.5 per cent last week.