TORONTO - Day 10 of the provincial election campaign will take Liberal Leader Dalton McGuinty to a wind power plant in Windsor and a training centre in Cambridge.

Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak begins his day with two stops in Toronto followed by an evening party event in Burlington.

New Democratic Party Leader Andrea Horwath has a whirlwind tour of northern Ontario planned.

Horwath will tour the Fort William Mill and Bombardier in Thunder Bay, then make a campaign stop in Sault Ste. Marie and conclude the day with pub night in North Bay.

Canadian Auto Workers president Ken Lewenza is to deliver a pre-election rallying speech to union members in the Windsor area this afternoon.

The speech will come at a meeting to plan and execute the union's strategy leading up to the Oct. 6 vote.

The CAW is encouraging members vote against the Progressive Conservatives, contending a Tory government would be detrimental to workers, the economy and public services.

McGuinty reiterated he won't be joining the other leaders in Thunder Bay for a debate on Sept. 23.

Hudak and Horwath have accepted the invitation from the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association to debate in northern Ontario.

McGuinty said he'd rather discuss northern issues during the televised leaders' debate in Toronto on Sept. 27.

The Liberals say they've requested that one segment of the debate be devoted to northern issues, but the broadcasting consortium that's organizing the event plans to let the public decide the issues.

The New Democrats attacked McGuinty, the self-proclaimed "education premier," as they released a key plank in their election platform.

Horwath promised a four-year freeze of college and university tuition fees, which she said have spiralled out of control under the Liberals.

The NDP said the program would cost $950 million over four years, with the bulk of the money going to universities and colleges to make up for the lost revenue.

Hudak shrugged off accusations that his campaign used a parents group for political gain while touting the Tory plan for an online public sex offender registry.

A report said people standing with Hudak on Wednesday in Leamington when outlined details of his justice platform weren't part of a parents group that protested the placement of a sexual predator near a town school.

Hudak sidestepped questions about the allegations on Thursday, saying when a child predator moves into a neighbourhood, "the whole community is up in arms and the whole community protests."

Hudak was met by protesters at a rally Thursday evening in Markham.

The group of about 20 young people wore anti-Hudak T-shirts and carried signs with slogans such as "All Ontarians deserve respect."