CHEPOL, Guatemala (AP) - Anxiety was high Saturday in Guatemala amid uncertainty about loved ones who might have been on the tractor-trailer that crashed in southern Mexico while jammed with smuggled migrants, killing 55 people and injuring more than 100.

Most of those on the truck are believed to have been from Guatemala, according to authorities, who are working to identify the dead from Thursday's disaster in Mexico's Chiapas state.

Victor Manuel Mateo Tiniguar, who lives in an Indigenous area of the northern Guatemalan department of Quiche, said Saturday that he is convinced his brother was among the victims.

“My brother was in the accident,” Mateo Tiniguar said, adding that he is sure one of the men shown in photographs from the accident scene was his brother, Elias. “Yes, it was him. He was lying down, but we don't know if he was gravely injured or dead.”

Mateo Tiniguar and his family live in a house in the lower part of a ravine in the poor village of Chepol. With no work and little money, they scratched to buy any time for a cellphone so they could search the internet for information. They clung to the hope that Elias Salvador was alive and that he was one of the three injured migrants who are still unidentified.

But two days after the tragedy, they live in anguish because they cannot shake the fear that he is among the dead.

The bodies of the 55 migrants who lost their lives are scattered in three morgues while Mexican and Guatemalan officials work on identifications.

A forensic service worker, who insisted on speaking anonymously because he was not authorized to give statements to the press, told The Associated Press in the Chiapas capital of Tuxtla Gutierrez that the morgue there had to ask for help because it did not have enough capacity.

The process is being complicated and slow because many of the bodies did not have identifications and others are in poor condition, said a Chiapas state official, who also agreed to discuss the matter only if not quoted by name because he was not authorized to speak publicly.

Although some of the injured reported they were accompanied by relatives or friends, many are still not well enough to see if they can identify any of the dead, the official added.

Guatemalan authorities have made several phones available to citizens, and Mexican officials say relatives of six victims have already come to Mexico.

But in Quiche and other poor areas of Guatemala, answers are lacking.

Mateo Tiniguar said his brother Elias had left home Wednesday with a change of clothes in an old backpack. The would-be migrant did not pay for his trip, but went into debt for about $12,000 that he had to pay if he managed to enter the United States, the brother said.

He said Elias didn't tell anyone else he was leaving. He said his brother felt they had to do something to get out of their poverty, especially since their father had a stroke and needs medicine.

“My young kid left to be able to buy my husband's medicine,” said Dominga Tiniguar, mother of the missing man.

Hundreds of people are estimated to migrate from Guatemala each day, driven out by the Central American country's extreme poverty. The nearly 3 million Guatemalans living in the United States have sustained their homeland during the pandemic, sending back.$11 billion, which is a little more than 14% of the country's economy, the central bank says.

Mateo Tiniguar said none of his nine brothers learned to read and write. Their father, who shined shoes in Guatemala City, couldn't earn enough to send them to school. He said his brother felt he had an opportunity when a migrant smuggler offered to help him find a job in Chicago that would pay more than the $5 he could earn daily on farming tasks in his community.

A neighbor, Martin Mendez, was another migrant from Chepol who was in the doomed trailer, but suffered only minor injuries, sad his brother, Pedro.

Many of those who died were glued to the walls of the shattered trailer. Those who were in the center were saved, protected by the bodies of their companions.

About 40 of the survivors were in Mexican hospitals with “multiple bruises.” About 20 more had bone fractures, especially in arms and wrists, suggesting they tried to cushion the force of the impact when the trailer crowded with migrants overturned and crashed into a pedestrian bridge.

Others had more serious conditions: brain injuries or internal damage, often with the chest, abdomen or pelvis crushed. The force of the crash hit the migrants against each other, pushed them against the steel walls of the truck's box and threw some onto the asphalt.

Mendez has worked with Mateo Tiniguar to search various online media for information about Elias. The men said Mendez's injured brother had reported seeing Elias after the accident. “He says he saw him, but he was seriously hurt. He was no longer speaking,” Mateo Tiniguar said.

Mexican and Guatemalan officials say they are investigating the network of traffickers that operated the trailer, one of the routes through which thousands of migrants cross Mexico daily to the border with the United States despite attempts by governments in the region to contain the flows.

Authorities also are working to expedite aid to the injured and provide help with identification papers. Mexico also has offered humanitarian visas to survivors who want to stay in Mexico.

For relatives, the urgent thing is to learn the fate of their loved ones.

“I want you to please help me look for him, whether he is alive or dead,” said Mateo Tiniguar.

Mendez added that they have discussed the possibility of traveling to Mexico to look for their relatives. “Maybe someone can help us,” he said.

Associated Press writer Sonia Perez D. reported this story in Chepol, Guatemala, and AP writer Manuel de la Cruz reported from Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico.