Nneka Elliott

If you ask Nneka when she knew she wanted to be a broadcaster, she would say "I've always known".

Although a native of Quebec, Nneka spent her formative years on the island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the Caribbean. Nneka can recall orchestrating make believe television cooking shows and talk radio programs from the age of seven.
Her first foray with broadcasting came as a weekend host for a music/talk show at HITZ FM in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Itching to further her career in the industry, Nneka made the trek back to Canada to obtain her degree in Radio and Television at Ryerson University.

By the time Nneka had graduated from Ryerson, she had held such positions as Reporter, Audio Editor, and Anchor for Cfrb Newstalk 1010 AM.

While there Nneka covered various local, national and international stories including the Air France Crash, Live 8 in Barrie and the disappearance of Alicia Ross. She was also fortunate enough to interview several high profile professionals and celebrities including Danny Glover, Billy Ray Cyrus, Guy LaFleur and Brendan Fraser to name a few.

From there Nneka entered the world of weather as a weather broadcaster at The Weather Network. It was then that Nneka first experienced that indescribable rush of tracking active weather.

Born in Canada but raised in the Caribbean, Nneka knows a thing or two about weather extremes. Tropical weather and Nor'easters have always excited Nneka and will continue to be her favorite weather events.

On sunny days you can find Nneka spending time with family and friends, taking in the Vitamin D at one of the city's various lakefronts. On rainy days Nneka likes nothing better than curling up and watching a good movie.

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