
Dog found starved to death near abandoned building in Windsor: humane society


Police tape is shown in a file photo.

WINDSOR, Ont. -- A southern Ontario humane society is trying to find out who starved a dog to death and is offering a $500 reward for information leading to charges against the abuser.

The Windsor-Essex County Humane Society says the body of the dog was found near an abandoned building in Windsor, Ont., on Wednesday.

The humane society says a necropsy indicated that the dog had been there for some time, although a specific time frame is difficult to determine.

Veterinary findings indicate that the dog was starved to death over a period of many weeks and likely died in another location.

The dog was an unneutered male, medium sized, pit-bull type dog, about four years old and was wearing a choke chain collar.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Windsor-Essex County Humane Society cruelty investigators.