Daylight time for 2021 will begin this weekend, pushing clocks forward an hour in Ontario and most of Canada early Sunday morning.

Here's everything you need to know about the clocks going forward and the beginning of daylight  time in the province.

When does daylight time 2021 begin?

Most Canadians will push their clocks forward one hour at 2 a.m. on March 14, marking the beginning of daylight time.

When daylight time begins, it will stay lighter later in the evening.

The sunset in Toronto on Sunday will be at 7:23 p.m. EDT (eastern daylight time).

Most cell phones will change time on their own, but other clocks in your home may need to be changed manually.

Daylight time will end Nov. 7.

Daylight time could become permanent in Ontario

In November last year, the Ontario government passed legislation that would end the bi-annual changing of clocks, making daylight time permanent in the province—but the change will only happen if neighbouring jurisdictions agree.

The Time Amendment Act, which was tabled by Jeremy Roberts, MPP for Ottawa West – Nepean, passed on third reading in the legislature.

However, Ontario's attorney general would only bring the act into motion in coordination with Quebec and New York.

Roberts added that one of the benefits of ending the twice-yearly change includes promoting more consumerism by giving residents more hours of daylight in the evening.

What does the time change do to our bodies?

According to experts, some people will experience a shock to their bodies' internal clock when the time changes, much like the jet lag experienced after flying across time zones.

Research shows that the disruption to the internal clock can cause increased rates of heart attacks, stroke, weight gain, anxiety and contribute to workplace injuries and car accidents.