An elderly couple were taken to hospital with minor smoke inhalation after a two-alarm fire at an Etobicoke home early Monday morning.

The blaze broke out in the sunroom of a residence on North Heights Road near Kipling Avenue and Appledale Road at around 4 a.m. and then spread to the back of the home.

According to Toronto Fire Captain Mike Strapko, about 45 firefighters responded to the scene and were able to get the blaze under control within about 20 minutes.

The cause of the fire is still being investigated; however District Chief Douglas Cumming tells CP24 that a space heater could be to blame.

"Space heaters can provide a lot of comfort but they shouldn't really be left unattended and that seems to have been the situation here," he said.

The damage from the fire is estimated at around $150,000.

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