Defence lawyers are making final arguments on behalf of one of the prominent "Freedom Convoy" organizers on trial in Ottawa today.

The Crown alleges Tamara Lich and Chris Barber worked in concert to cause weeks of criminal disruptions in the capital during the protests in early 2022.

They were among several organizers of the protest, which was in opposition to pandemic-era public health restrictions and the federal government.

Lich and Barber are on trial for mischief, intimidation and counselling others to break the law for their role in the demonstration.

Barber's legal team is arguing that he never meant to gridlock the city, and that he is not responsible for the actions of convoy participants.

The Saskatchewan trucking company owner faces an additional charge of counselling others to disobey a court order for encouraging people to honk their horns after it was forbidden by a judge. 

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Aug. 15, 2024.