Stargazers in Ontario could be for a treat tonight: a rare blue supermoon.

On Wednesday night, the second full moon of the month – otherwise known as a blue moon – will illuminate the sky. It will also be the closest full moon of the year – just over 350,000 km away from the earth, qualifying it as a ‘super’ moon and appearing both brighter and larger to the human eye.

According to The Weather Network, the combination of the blue and super moon is one we haven't seen one in 27 years, and won't see for another 92, until 2115.

Skies in the Toronto area are forecast to clear up around 7 p.m. Wednesday night, setting the stage for ideal viewing conditions.


Astrophotographer Trevor Jones, of St. Catharines, Ont., says that, for ideal stargazing conditions, you’ll need to eliminate as much light as possible.

Jones has been photographing the night sky for nearly a decade, and has captured thousands of shots of southern Ontario's rare Aurora Borealis display.

“The biggest thing you need is clear skies,” Jones said.

“You'll see much more if you're able to get away from the city lights and get somewhere a little darker,” he said.

Jones also recommends giving your eyes some time to adjust to the darkness to best view the nightsky and to spot celestial sights beyond the moon.

“If you go straight outside, your eyes aren't going to be ready to see anything, so let your eyes adapt to the darkness for 25 minutes or so,” he said.

Ontario's federal dark-sky preserves include Point Pelee National Park in Essex County, Fathom Five National Marine Park and Bruce Peninsula National Park near Tobermory, Ont.

Some spots recommended for stargazing, but without official dark-sky designation, include Binbrook Conservation Area in Niagara, Ont., Torrance Barrens in Gravenhurst, Ont., and Lennox and Addington Dark Sky Viewing Area in Napanee, Ont.

With files from The Associated Press