Toronto’s capybabies will soon have names.

The triplets are the first offspring of the notorious furry fugitives, dubbed Bonnie and Clyde, for their escape acrobatics since they moved to the High Park Zoo last May. 

Names for the trio have now been narrowed down by the group Friends of the High Park Zoo from more than 12,500 submissions, which have been pouring in since last month. Contestants got creative suggesting everything from popular adages, Toronto landmarks and puns. 

Torontonians can vote on their favourite 10 name combinations, including everything from “Mocha, Chino, Latte” to “Snap, Crackle, Pop” and “Peanut, Butter, Jam.”

The capybabies were born on Feb. 23, but it wouldn’t take long for the pups to inherit their parent’s stardom. 

Bonnie and Clyde rose to fame after they escaped the zoo, and were on the lam, roaming the city for weeks before being returned to their pen. 

The deadline to vote in the online poll is June 19. The most popular name will be given to the pups June 24.