Ray St. Germain, the singer-songwriter and television personality nicknamed "Winnipeg's Elvis" for his uncanny vocal likeness to the king of rock 'n' roll, has died.

The Manitoba Métis Federation confirmed his death and his family said on social media that the 83-year-old died of Parkinson's disease at a local care centre on Tuesday.

St. Germain built a name for himself in several corners of Canadian entertainment and while he was perhaps best known as the host of the nationally syndicated music program "Big Sky Country," his legacy as an advocate for Métis culture also resonates.

"I've made many recordings but no big hits," he wrote in his 2005 memoir titled "I Wanted to Be Elvis, So What Was I Doing in Moose Jaw?"

"I've played pubs, clubs, lounges fairs, rodeos, festivals and wherever they needed entertainment, including countless charity gigs... I have a lot of mugs."

St. Germain started his music career at 14-years-old when he joined the country band the Rhythm Ranch Boys, first playing the accordion and singing, though he later adopted the guitar with a little inspiration from Elvis.

His first television appearance was on the cross-Canada singing competition "Talent Caravan" in 1958, where he won the local series by singing Billy Grammer's "Gotta Travel On."

As he grew into adulthood, St. Germain took his aspirations on the road playing shows across Canada and later joining guitar virtuoso Lenny Breau in the Mississippi Gamblers.

Some of his earliest singles instantly drew comparisons to Elvis, particularly his debut "She's a Square," where he imitates the American singer's famous growl.

After a stint in Toronto, St. Germain returned to Winnipeg to host CBC's "Music Hop Hootenanny" from 1964 to 1966.

When that show was cancelled, the national broadcaster continued to hire him as a guest host on programs that included "Show of the Week" and "In Person," where he welcomed rising stars Sylvia Tyson, Anne Murray and Gordon Lightfoot.

St. Germain found his groove in TV host gigs in the decades that followed and oversaw various music programs at Canadian TV networks. He hosted the radio show "Métis Hour x2" for more than two decades until his retirement in 2022.

Beyond his TV presence, the musician also put significant effort into boosting Métis culture, said the Manitoba Métis Federation.

His 1973 release "I'm Mighty Proud I'm Métis" was a strong symbolic commitment to his roots and became an anthem for the Red River Métis Nation, they noted. The organization also credits his song "The Métis" as helping earn him an Aboriginal Order of Canada in 1985.

He was inducted into the Canadian Country Music Hall of Fame in 2010.

Earlier this month, a road in Winnipeg's St. Vital neighbourhood was honorarily named Big Sky Country Way to recognize the show that ran for 13 years, and his impact on the community.

At the event, St. Germain performed publicly for the final time, delivering a rendition of Presley's "It's Now or Never" from his wheelchair.

"Yeah, I wanted to be Elvis when I was younger but I wouldn't trade my life for his," he wrote in the epilogue of his memoir.

"Besides, he never got to stay at the Harwood Hotel in Moose Jaw."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published June 26, 2024.