An Ontario family has exceeded their expectations in raising money to help their 7-year-old child recently diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.

Elizabeth McGregor and Preston Scott’s son, Parker, was recently diagnosed with a brain tumour called Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG). This particular tumour is rare and fast-growing, and it forms in the glial cells, which are part of the brainstem called the pons.

Family friend and one of the organizers of Parker’s GoFundMe, Erin Siksay, told CTV News Toronto in a written statement the location of the tumour makes it inoperable.

“Treatment options are limited to radiation therapy and clinical trials, which have all been unsuccessful to date,” Siksay said.

“Parker’s situation, like all other children that have or have had DIPG, is considered palliative.”

Siksay describes Parker as a bright, loving, and playful child, with a “sweet smile and [a] mischievous streak that captivates everyone’s heart.”

Now that he has been admitted to Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children for radiation treatment, the goal with the GoFundMe is to make Parker’s life as comfortable as possible during and after his treatment.

The $5,000 fundraising goal would be used towards the family’s travel expenses to-and-from SickKids, and for whatever Parker needs during his treatment. The money would also be used towards family activities and events when he returns home.

Since its creation on Dec. 16, the GoFundMe has surpassed its goal by more than $50,000 with over $63,000 in total donations.

“We are so extremely grateful for the outpouring of support from the community as we deal with our own waking nightmare. The kindness and generosity of people – some even strangers to us – is the only thing that has been keeping us going,” Parker’s parents told CTV News Toronto in a written statement.

“The GoFundMe has allowed us to spend all of our time focusing on Parker and taking advantage of whatever precious time we have left with him.”