Ontario is reporting fewer than 200 new COVID-19 cases and eight more deaths on Saturday.

Provincial health officials logged 179 new coronavirus cases, down from 183 on Friday and 209 a week ago.

The province reported 210 new cases on Thursday, 194 on Wednesday and 164 on Tuesday.

The seven-day rolling average now stands at 187, compared to 239 a week ago.

The province’s virus-related death hit 9,245 on Saturday.

Another 281 people recovered from the virus in the past 24 hours, resulting in 1,710 active cases across the province.

In the Greater Toronto Area, Toronto reported 23 new cases, while 21 were logged in Peel Region, eight in York Region, six in Halton and three in Durham Region.

Meanwhile, Waterloo logged the most cases in the province with 32 infections. The region reported 50 cases on Friday.

More than 200 cases of variants of concern were reported in the province today, with 98 of them being the dominant Delta variant, which was first found in India.

Ontario labs processed nearly 23,700 tests in the past 24 hours, resulting in a positivity rate of 0.6 per cent, compared to one per cent a week ago.

There are currently 197 patients in intensive care units across the province due to the virus, according to the Ministry of Health.

Of those patients, 134 are breathing with the assistance of a ventilator.

To date, over 546,900 lab-confirmed coronavirus cases and 536,028 recoveries have been identified in the province since January 2020.

Earlier this week, the province said more than half of adults in Ontario are fully vaccinated against the disease after receiving two doses of approved vaccines.

More than 16.8 million doses have been administered across the province since mid-December, with 207,507 shots into arms yesterday alone.

The numbers used in this story are found in the Ontario Ministry of Health's COVID-19 Daily Epidemiologic Summary. The number of cases for any city or region may differ slightly from what is reported by the province, because local units report figures at different times.