Families flocked to Toronto’s zoo Monday get a closer look at one of its newest and cutest attractions.

A three-month old polar bear cub was the star of the show at Toronto Zoo over the Family Day weekend, just days after he was moved to an outdoor den for the first time.

Jeff Young, a wildlife care supervisor, said the bear is melting hearts as it frolics around its den. The bear delighted crowds by sliding down snowbanks, chilling out in a rubber bowl, and wrestling with an empty water jug.

Young said the male cub’s teeth are coming in and it is starting to nip at its handlers’ hands.

“He doesn’t quite know that we’re not to be bitten,” Young told CP24 reporter Cam Woolley.

Young said the best time to see the bear is when he enters the den and is full of energy at 10 a.m. each morning.

Enjoy it while it lasts, however, because the bear will eventually outgrow this stage of cuteness and become a hulking beast.

He currently weights about 30 pounds and will grow to about 1,100 pounds in six to seven years, Young said.

Meanwhile, the public is getting a chance to vote on a name for the cub.

The zoo is asking people to choose one of six names – Humphrey, Orson, Searik, Stirling, Lorek or James.

Voting is taking place on the zoo’s website and the winning name will be announced in March.

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