A genie coming out of a jar of cocoa butter?

Well, with the support of Toronto’s OYA Black Film Arts Coalition’s Emerging Filmmakers program, it can happen.

The film, titled “Cocoa Butter Wishes,” was recently filmed in North York and is expected to be released in 2024.

Michelle Berry is a program coordinator for the Emerging Filmmakers program and says that while the program can be “a huge learning curve” for its participants, the filmmakers always “do a great job.”

“It’s an intensive program to set them up for a career in film and television,” she told CP24.com.

“This year, we’re doing one film, ‘Cocoa Butter Wishes,’ and the filmmakers are having workshops that correlate to the production…we also try to do networking events, and professional development events as well, so that they have the tools and the resources they need to succeed in the industry after eight months.”

Berry says the program fills an important gap in the film industry, one she pointed out is “very, very white.”

“There aren’t a lot of Black people behind the scenes in the industry,” Berry said.

“And there’s not been a lot of opportunities presented to Black filmmakers and creatives. Our goal is to give them opportunities to work, and to help them build a career and have the same advantages as other people.

“Our purpose is to give Black creators a space to grow, learn and then have opportunities after they leave our program,” she continued.

When it comes to “Cocoa Butter Wishes,” Berry says she and the panel “just loved the idea.”

“It jumped out at us,” she said.” “It was a great pitch, and the original writer was very open to collaborating with the rest of the cohort on writing, producing and directing the project.”

“Cocoa Butter Wishes” will be finished in 2024, and is set to premier at the Emerging Filmmakers graduation later in the year.

“After that, it will be submitted to festivals and go on a festival run,” Berry said.

“We’re here to give these creatives a leg up when they go out into the real world.”