The city held a sunset ceremony Sunday to remember the more than 2,700 people in Toronto who lost their lives due to COVID-19 in the past year.

"This night is about mourning as a city," Mayor John Tory said during the ceremony held at Nathan Phillips Square. He proclaimed March 21, 2021, as the Day of Remembrance for Lives Lost to COVID-19 in Toronto.

"We honour the grandmothers, grandfathers, the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, children, neighbours, co-workers and classmates who have left us this year."

The ceremony marked one year since the city's first death linked to COVID-19. On this day a year ago, a man in his 70s died in hospital after contracting the disease. One year later, the city has recorded 2,753 deaths.

"Our commemoration tonight is about recognizing the loss, so many families have endured over the course of the year. Honouring those we have lost and comforting and supporting those they left behind. While this virus has hurt everyone in our city in so many different ways, tonight is especially about remembering all of those innocent souls that took from us in this past year," Tory said.

To honour those who died, 2,753 candles were lit during the ceremony, each representing a life lost.

Toronto ceremony

"We think about the families and the friends who continue to grieve for their loved ones and the thousands of tears they have shed," the mayor said.

"I think about the empty chair, where they always sat, or their favourite shirt they always wore or their favourite place in our city -- their loved ones and friends can't pass by now, without thinking of them. All those things that they leave behind that always spark their memory to those who knew them best."

Tory said the ceremony is a way for the city to grieve together and show support to those who have lost ones. He noted that many died alone to prevent the further spread of COVID-19, stripping away the chance for families to say goodbye properly.

"I hope that it will inspire us all in the memory of those who have lost to soldier on and get through these final months of this pandemic," the mayor said.

"We owe it to all those who are mourning tonight to get through these tough times and make sure that our city comes out stronger than ever, a tribute to their memories, a legacy to their memories."

Tory also lit 12 more candles, representing the past 12 months of the pandemic. As each candle was lit, the bell in Old City Hall tolled.


Toronto-based blues vocalist and actress Shakura S'Aida read a poem and performed 'Amazing Grace' at the ceremony.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there were no spectators at the ceremony, but it was broadcast live on CP24. Residents were instead urged to participate at home by turning on a porch or balcony light or placing a light in the window.

Tory asked those in their homes to pause and take a moment to remember the people who died.

"As daylight passes to dusk, we will keep these candles burning here at city hall into the night in remembrance of each of those individuals who are no longer with us and as a symbol of our solidarity with their families and with their friends," he said.

The Toronto sign was lit in white Sunday evening, as well as the CN Tower and the Princes' Gates.

Tory said he will soon begin public consultations on how the city can permanently honour the lives lost and the sacrifices made during the pandemic.

Toronto vigil

The mayor reminded residents to keep following public health measures until everyone gets vaccinated.

"We have worked with the help of everyone in our city to do the right thing and stop the spread of the virus. And that has saved thousands of lives and avoided the worst-case scenarios first predicted to me by public health about a year ago," he said.

"We're almost there. And we know how good it can be once again, when we get there. Let us honour those who we have lost by staying the course, by staying together in spirit and purpose so that we can emerge as individuals and as a city stronger than ever, with no one left behind."