TORONTO - Mayors from more than 30 Ontario municipalities with ties to the auto trade are meeting in Toronto later today to talk about the ailing sector.
Leaders will discuss how their communities are being affected by the industry's troubles and possible solutions.

Woodstock Mayor Michael Harding says there is a domino effect throughout Ontario when a local auto supplier cuts jobs or closes its doors.

Harding also says the voice of municipalities hasn't been included in talks between the provincial and federal governments and the automakers.

Federal Industry Minister Tony Clement and Michael Bryant, Ontario's economic development minister, were in Washington trying to find out what a bailout for U.S. automakers means for Canada.

Ford, Chrysler and General Motors say they need $25 billion to prevent their collapse.

Woodstock boasts one of the only bright spots in Ontario's auto sector, their new Toyota plant will have its official grand opening Dec.4.