Queen's Park

'We need to get these folks back working:' Doug Ford stands behind comments on encampments amid backlash

Doug Ford stands behind comments Ford’s comments were met with anger from housing advocates and members of the opposition.

Premier Doug Ford is standing behind comments he made suggesting that people living in encampments “just need to get a job to lift themselves out of poverty.”

During a news conference on Monday, Ford railed against those living in encampments, suggesting that “healthy,” unhoused people need to “start working.”

Ford’s comments were met with anger from housing advocates and members of the opposition.

But during an unrelated news conference on Tuesday, Ford stood behind the sentiment.

“Like I said yesterday if there is anyone out there who maybe has mental health issues, addictions, have a disability, I am always going to take care of those people for the rest of their lives. But if you are young, healthy and can work you have to find gainful employment, that is what you need to do,” he said. “We spend over a billion dollars, we have a million people that are on Ontario Works or ODSP. We need to get these folks back working.”

Ford made the initial comments after he was asked a question Monday about growing affordable housing waitlists. He told reporters that the best way for people to “get out of (being) homeless” is to “get an application and drop it off at one of these companies and start working.”

He then clarified his remarks, telling reporters that while he is committed to taking care of people who need further support, those who “are healthy” should “get off your a** and start working like everyone else is.”

‘Heartless and bizarre’

Following the news conference, NDP Leader Marit issued a statement in which she called Ford’s comments “heartless and bizarre.”

“Housing is a human right, not a luxury. We need to build a province where everyone has the opportunity to have a good life and have a home they can afford. Instead, the person in charge of our province is too busy using his soapbox to belittle vulnerable people,” she wrote.

“Doug Ford’s heartless comments about people being forced to live on our streets clearly show just how out of touch he is with the reality facing people in Ontario, or how much harder life has become under his watch.”

Speaking to CP24 on Monday, Liberal MPP Adil Shamji, who represents the riding of Don Valley East, also slammed Ford for his comments, pointing to the premier’s role in making life less affordable for people who are struggling.

“People are in encampments and they are homeless because rents have skyrocketed by 83 per cent since he took power. It is because he is gutting programs like ODSP and Ontario Works,” Shamji said.

“He has underfunded shelters that are now all over-capacity.”