Here's what we talked about on this edition Webnation:


Europeans get choice over which browser they want to use with Windows.

Police are warning people to be careful with their status updates after a website emerged that will monitor social networks for comments thieves may like.

Rogers has raised the penalty you'll have to break if you break their bandwidth cap.

And PS3 users were hit by a bug this year - sorta like Y2K all over again.

Viral video of the week:

The Muppets Studio has done it again. In our viral video of the week, poor Beaker learns how hard it is to be a star online.


Billy Reid is here to show us how to make a video hit on the web that could help you win a boatload of cash from Doritos.

Ever wanted to make changes to your fantasy sports team during a game? Now you can with InGamer. Nic Sulsky demos his site.

Jeff Quipp is going to give us some tips about how to be found or how not to be found on the web.

Download/website of the week:

Want to share large files with friends, family or colleagues? Then use Dropbox.